Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama, Try BEING President Rather Than ACTING Like One

Earlier today this headline came across my ticker and grabbed my attention. Taipan's Tipping Point gets this guy spot-on.  Obama has shown himself to be a petulant, temperamental, spoiled man-child (TY, LCR) who will throw a tantrum if things are going as he demands. Why doesn't all America see him for who he really is?

One look at Matt Drudge's ultra informative website The Drudge Report causes even the most easygoing human great anxiety with numerous shake-the-head moments.
There are headlines about the bottomless well leaking thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf, and discussions about pending war in Korea. If it weren't for the picture of Lindsey Lohan in the far left column, readers would probably end their session with a "why go on" mentality.
But underneath all of the major geopolitical articles and thumbnail descriptions, there was one article that really caught my attention: "Networks Begin to Turn on Obama."
After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to RealClearPolitics.com and provided with a handful of clips from the three major news networks: ABC, CBS and NBC. All three had boots-on-the-ground coverage of the Gulf oil spill, and all three videos describe the anger, frustration and confusion over the lack of solutions from Washington in handling the massive oil leak.
One common denominator about all three reports, though, is the local population is obviously angry by the lack of attention and direction given by President Obama and his team, but the anger is not just isolated to the Gulf region – it's all over the country.
In the latest Rasmussen Poll, the president is sitting on an approval rating of 44%. Increases in the Misery Index and decreases in stock market values are certain to provide a significant amount of pressure on the president's ratings over the summer. But there's an even greater concern brewing, and that is the lack of leadership.


  1. Lipton,

    Not to ignore your excellent post on Rand Paul above (but to try to ignore your Anti-Rule 5 post below), it is becoming [even more] apparent that no one is minding the store -- both in this regime and in the sycophantic media that covers what passes for executive governance from this Boy King and his cronies.

    The incompetence in the former is immutable and will always be the case for the hopefully two and one-half years we have remaining. As you point out, there are signs that the latter may be coming to an end.

    Abroad in this land, there still exist benighted souls who believe their daily ration of vitamin D emanates from the orifice of The Pantload and will always believe it thus. There will be bitter clingers of another sort if this pungent offal is flushed down the toilet in November 2012, these being the types who will buy Obama's interminable memoirs and swoon on his every post-presidential excretion. As the Maître d' said in the classic Ferris Beuller's Day Off, "I weep for your generation!" But, the general population is slowly and inexorably waking from their sweet dreams of Barack, The Magic Negro being the next Jesus and an on-coming Soul Train loaded to the rafters with Skittles-crapping-Unicorns, Hope and Change, on its way to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

    Here's how it goes: The MSM, dyed-in-the-wool libs that they are, love the leftist and progressive causes and any vehicle that can deliver this nation to the door of those ideals. At this writing and for the past forty years -- when our generation began its national temper tantrum after coming down from our love-fest high -- the Democrat Party has been that limousine replete with a chauffeur, a well-stocked bar, and the yellow brick road to drive on. In 18-24 months, this clown has run that vehicle into the ground and the wheels have begun to come off.

    Unless the DSCC and DCCC and whatever pinko-Marxist clandestine group can come up with a miracle, a lot of liberals are going to take the pipe in November and will be on the outside looking in. In fact, if it is anything less than a complete bloodbath, the American public will *still* be thirsting for blood and Obama will be staring down the barrel of a two-year slog to his 2012 campaign and a possible challenge by Hillary.

    Faced with the potential peril and extermination of the party, I think the MSM starts with hit pieces like "Where did he go wrong" or "The Failed Dream Two Years In'. These will be followed by "Barack Obama fails to wipe after 'two-ing it' in the White House lavatory" or "Bo the Dog Craps on Oval Office Rug" and the final blow: "BO, The POTUS, Craps on Oval Office Rug". Of course, as these stories hit the light of day, the MSM organs, Newsweak, the NYT, and Time see their circulation rise and the revenues flow in.

    After a while, even the dense editors and publishers will see the light and realize that they have developed a cottage industry in bashing the incompetent POTUS.

    The final, final, final straw will be when Hillary does challenge him for the nomination, t`he HillBuzz Boyz (bless their name!) mount a nation-wide money bomb for Hill, and the 2012 race ends up being between Bachman/Palin and Hillary/Lieberman..

    ..with that thug, his cronies, and the ample-assed FLOTUS slinking off to Chicago to live off the adoration of the terminally retarded. One day, I predict, he is found in a crack whore's bedroom room with a heroin needle stuck in his arm, the victim of a hot shot.

    ..or not.

    [if you don't mind, I think I'll cross-post this at my site.]

  2. Of these things I dream....haha

    Well articulated and a pleasure to read. Thanks!

