Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The people of Arizona are being vilified for protecting themselves

Leo W. Banks at "The American Thinker" (h/t Doug Ross) makes some excellent points about the new law in Az which makes it a crime to be in the state illegally. I am not sure what his source is but he writes that "an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens live in Arizona."

If they were all hard-working immigrants, that would not be as much of a problem. But drug dealers have taken over the illegal routes into the country. Would be immigrants have to pay a bribe of roughly $2,500 to get through, which most do not have, or they have to carry drugs for the drug gangs. Arizona has become the new wild west, against the will of the people. And race-baiters such as Obama and Sharpton are vilifying them for fighting back.

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