Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rule 5 Thursday - Viva La Tanline!

Since Bob Belvedere took such effort to let the world know of my lettuce Rule 5 post (original here, Bob's parody of my garden here); I reciprocated with the promise to do some real world "weapons grade" Rule 5 this afternoon.

Again, for Rule 5 virgins, see here for proper indoctrination thereto.

Gentlemen (and ladies as appropriate), I present you today's Viewed From The Right Rule 5 tribute to:

The Tan Line.  God Love it....

(Note to RSM:  If you don't link these this week, I'll publicly accuse you of consorting with the YMCA crew - or worse, Liberals...)

Oh, and BTW, none of these tan lines even compare to the beauty that is Ms. T. Bagg.  I Love ya baby!  You ARE the best!



  1. Well done! The first gal is especially nice.

    But I must warn you, Smitty will not link this because they they go beyond PG-13 [it's happened to me]. However, I will be linking in a posting later on.

    Solid A.

  2. Thanks Bob. Sometimes you have to go where the story takes you. If so, I can live with it...

    (RSM/Smitty: Still man-love for you guys...)


  3. I. Think. I'm in love. Wiff dat blonde. O.M.G.
